Post Titles

Snax adds post format related information to Wordpress post titles.

For the Open List post format it will be (example below):

  • already submitted items count
  • list status (open | closed for submission)

Can You Get Through These 20+ Sexy Photos Without Saying WOW (Open for submission)?

For the Gallery post format it will be (example below):

  • number of gallery items

Why my last holidays turned into a trip of my life (10 photos)


To enable/disable post titles parts, please follow these steps:

  1. Go to the WP admin panel › Snax.
  2. Choose the General section.
  3. Check/uncheck the Show items count in title to show/hide items count.
  4. Choose the Lists section.
  5. Check/uncheck the Show list status in title to show/hide list status.
  6. Save changes.

To change items count position from the beginning of a post, please do as follows:

  1. Go to the WP admin panel › Posts.
  2. Choose one of your list (or gallery) posts.
  3. To a post title, add the %%items%% placeholder in the place you want to show counter.

  1. Update post.
  2. Snax will replace that placeholder with a real value.