

Snax is delivered with the following formats:

  1. Story. Best for text stories, similar to WordPress posts.
  2. Open List. For images and/or embeds. Users can contribute by submitting new items. Ranking (order) is based on votes.
  3. Ranked List. For images and/or embeds. Users can't contribute. Ranking (order) is based on votes.
  4. Classic List. For images and/or embeds. Users can't contribute. Ranking (order) is set by list author.
  5. Trivia Quiz. For quick yes/no quiz.
  6. Personality Quiz. For a test to know who/what are you similar to.
  7. Classic Poll. For one or multiple questions about a subject or person.
  8. Versus Poll. For a poll where each question has two competing answers.
  9. Hot or Not Poll. For a poll where each question has two opposite answers.
  10. Meme. For a funny image with top and bottom texts.
  11. Audio. For a single audio.
  12. Video. For a single video.
  13. Image. For a single image.
  14. Gallery. Best for photo stories.
  15. Embed. For a single YouTube, Twitter, Instagram content.

Deactivating formats

There's no need to use all available formats. If your site is focused just on funny images and you don't want to embed any Youtube video there, you can simply disable the Embed format. To disable unwanted format, please follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to the WP admin panel › Snax.
  2. Choose the General section.
  3. Uncheck the box right beside that format.
  4. Save changes.